We are hiring for the 23-24 School Year!
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
We are hiring!
🌟Congrats to Sam Boardman's Yadira Gomez! Congratulations to our Crystal Apple Award winners from Morrow County School District! We are thrilled to recognize their excellence in education and their dedication to the success of our students. Yadira Gomez is a CARE Coordinator at Sam Boardman Elementary School and has worked for MCSD for five years. She takes the time to get to know the families in the school very well, always willing to go the extra step to help them. She has coordinated dozens of students to be seen for medical, vision, and dental needs -- some of these imperative to the academic performance of those students. Between helping staff make phone calls, doing home visits, or helping complete paperwork, Yadira works hard to maintain healthy relationships with community members and connect them with the resources they need. -- 🌟¡Felicidades a Yadira Gómez de Sam Boardman! ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores del Premio Crystal Apple del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Morrow! Estamos encantados de reconocer su excelencia en la educación y su dedicación al éxito de nuestros estudiantes. Yadira Gómez es coordinadora de CARE en la escuela primaria Sam Boardman y ha trabajado para MCSD durante cinco años. Se toma el tiempo para conocer muy bien a las familias en la escuela, siempre dispuesta a dar un paso más para ayudarlas. Ha coordinado la atención de docenas de estudiantes por necesidades médicas, de la vista y dentales, algunas de las cuales son imprescindibles para el desempeño académico de esos estudiantes. Entre ayudar al personal a hacer llamadas telefónicas, hacer visitas domiciliarias o ayudar a completar el papeleo, Yadira trabaja arduamente para mantener relaciones saludables con los miembros de la comunidad y conectarlos con los recursos que necesitan.
about 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
Crystal Apple Awards
Teacher appreciation week!
about 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Teacher appreciation
Time for Kindergarten Roundup! ¡Hora de la ronda de jardín de infancia!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Round Up
Time to Round Up incoming Kindergartners for Morrow County School District! Es tiempo del Round Up para los ninos que estaran entrado al Kinder for Morrow County School District!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Mickles
time to round up incoming kindergarteners for morrow county school district thursday, may 4, 4:30-6:30 pm
Spring Break!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Don't forget to nominate your favorite teacher for Oregon's Teacher of the Year Awards! Nominations are open statewide through February 28, 2023. Anyone can nominate a teacher at this link: 🍏--> https://oregonteacheroftheyear.org/nominate/ ¡No se olvide de nominar a su maestro favorito para los Premios al Maestro del Año de Oregón! Las nominaciones están abiertas en todo el estado hasta el 28 de febrero de 2023. Cualquiera puede nominar a un maestro en el enlace: 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 #OregonTeacheroftheYear #Teachers #Teach
over 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
Reminder that we have school this Friday, February 24th. Recordatorio de que tenemos colegio este viernes 24 de febrero.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Parent information
MCSD has several job openings in all three communities - both licensed and classified. MCSD tiene varias ofertas de trabajo en las tres comunidades - tanto con licencia y clasificados. https://morrow.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
No Hiring
MCSD buildings are back to normal operations after being placed in a "secure" status for 56 minutes. This was a precautionary measure as a result of numerous active shooter calls received across Oregon, including one in Hermiston. This is a very stressful situation for all involved and we appreciate the quick response from students and staff. We also appreciate more than ever our dedicated community SRO's and local law enforcement leadership. Los edificios de MCSD han vuelto a funcionar con normalidad después de haber estado en estado "seguro" durante 56 minutos. Esta fue una medida de precaución como resultado de numerosas llamadas de tirador activo recibidas a través de Oregon, incluyendo uno en Hermiston. Esta es una situación muy estresante para todos los involucrados y apreciamos la rápida respuesta de los estudiantes y el personal. También apreciamos más que nunca nuestra comunidad dedicada SRO y el liderazgo local de aplicación de la ley. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
As a precautionary measure all MCSD buildings are currently in a secure status - students and staff are safe and continuing with the educational day. As we have more informationwe will update this status. Como medida de precaución todos los edificios MCSD se encuentran actualmente en un estado seguro - los estudiantes y el personal están a salvo y continuar con la jornada educativa. A medida que tengamos más información actualizaremos este estado.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Thank your school's Counselor today! National School Counseling Week is February 6-10 and highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for careers. THANK YOU to the counselors in our schools for all they do for students!
over 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
school counseling
school counseling
It's time to nominate your favorite teacher in Eastern Oregon for InterMountain Regional Teacher of the Year! Anyone can nominate a teacher at this link: https://oregonteacheroftheyear.org/nominate/ Nominations are open statewide through February 28, 2023. For more information and a timeline about the program, visit: https://www.imesd.k12.or.us/article/966552
over 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
teacher of the year banner
MCSD is proud to announce another year of outstanding graduation rates across the district. https://5il.co/1nzqp MCSD se enorgullece de anunciar otro año de excelentes tasas de graduación en todo el distrito. https://5il.co/1nzqp
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
January and February is the time that we take a few moments to recognize and thank our school board members for their commitment to our students and staff. Enero y febrero es la época en que nos tomamos unos momentos para reconocer y agradecer a los miembros de nuestro consejo escolar su compromiso con nuestros alumnos y nuestro personal. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1clmAbwKVKaBBigftBT0P6Y0DLLK-ymeV/view?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
School Board appreciation
There's a new episode of the Community Corner Podcast out today, click the link to listen on Spotify! This podcast is all about Boardman and local Morrow County School District area activities. The Community Corner is an English-Spanish podcast made by Sam Boardman educators, Ms. Paullus and Ms. Jami, who are working to build community through education in rural Oregon.​ https://anchor.fm/sam-boardman/episodes/Monday-January-23rd--2023-e1tsc8f​
over 1 year ago, InterMountain ESD
podcast graphic
Welcome Back!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
New Year
Happy New Year! ¡Feliz año nuevo!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Happy New Year
MCSD will be on Winter Break December 16th through January 2nd! ¡MCSD estará en las vacaciones de invierno del 16 de diciembre al 2 de enero!
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
Winter Break
Morrow County Schools will be on a 3-hour delay Thursday, December 8th due to ongoing poor road conditions and freezing fog. Las escuelas del condado de Morrow tendrán un retraso de 3 horas el jueves 8 de diciembre debido a las malas condiciones de las carreteras y la niebla helada.
over 1 year ago, Marie Shimer
3 hour delay